Has it broken out again? Is it invading your pretty face? Every woman’s worst facenemy – Pimples!
Want to rid yourself from this pink outburst on your skin, well you need to look no further than your fridge. It’s time you skip those extra pricey, artificial ingredient induced facials and opt for a simple recipe that is easy on your wallets and equally easy to whisk. Just frisk your fridge for your Facial –
Fridge Facial #1: Whip up 2-3 egg whites (separates from yolks) until they’re frothy & let them sit for a few minutes. Apply the mixture to the pimple prone spots and allow the mask to sit for around 20mins. Then rinse it off with warm water, pat it off with a washcloth and apply some moisturiser. The reason why egg whites are good for your skin is because they’re filled with proteins & vitamins that help to fight acne and soak up excess oil on your skin….which means your face is no more a feeding ground for bacteria!
Fridge facial #2: Take 1tbsp of yogurt and mix it with approx. 1tbsp of honey. Apply this mixture on your face, keep this mask on for 20mins and then wash it off with cold water. This facial is helps to soothe your skin, shrink your pores and clear up your skin.